Raspberry Pi Crypto Mining – Is It Possible?

raspberry pi crypto mining

Raspberry Pi devices are notoriously versatile little devices, but can they be used for crypto mining? The answer… yes! 

You can easily put your Raspberry Pi to use doing crypto mining if you want a way to make some extra money. The best part is, it is so much easier than you think. 

While every crypto mining process might be a little different, we are going to focus on Duino-Coin. This cryptocurrency can be mined by all kinds of tech, including Raspberry Pi, Arduinos ESP8266/32 boards, smartwatches, smartphones, Wi-Fi routers, and much more. 

The information we go through here is based on the Ubuntu server 20.04.3 long-term support (LTS) and a Raspberry Pi 3 (Model B revision 1.2). The 64- bit server can support Raspberry Pi 3 and 4, as well as 400.

What You Will Need

Getting Set Up For Raspberry Pi Crypto Mining

Simply follow the steps outlined below to get started. This will only take a few minutes and is very straightforward. 

Install Ubuntu on your Pi device (not sure how? There are instructions on the Ubuntu website)

Ubuntu has been installed and your Raspberry has booted, log in with SSH. You should get a screen with all kinds of information on it, including a welcome message, memory usage, processes, temperature, and much more. 

mining bitcoin on a raspberry pi

How To Set Up Your Cryptocurrency

Simply follow the below commands: 

# Update package repositories and install dependencies
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install python3 python3-pip git python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk -y
# Update package repositories and install dependencies
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install python3 python3-pip git python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk -y

Then you will need to clone the Duino-Coin repository by inputting the following:

# Clone Duino-Coin repository
$ git clone https://github.com/revoxhere/duino-coin 
# Install Python dependencies for Duino-Coin
$ cd duino-coin
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

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Create A Crypto Wallet

In order for the money you make from mining to go somewhere, you need a crypto wallet! There are a few options to choose from, such as web wallet, command line interface wallet, or graphical user interface wallet.

Web wallet has some great additional features that you might find useful, such as the ability to calculate estimated profits and see miner statistics. 

Just follow the instructions on-screen for whichever option you choose.

raspberry pi crypto mining stack

Begin Crypto Mining With Your Raspberry Device

All you then need to do then is execute the below command to get started with running the miner! You can copy and paste this in and get started:

# Run Miner (inside duino-coin directory)

$ python3 PC_Miner.py

Configurations On The First Run

The script is going to ask you for a handful of configurations on the first run. These will be as follows:

  • Mining Difficulty – opt for a low setting when you are using Raspberry Pi devices.
  • Mining Intensity – you can go up to 100% if you are not going to be using your Raspberry device for anything else. Otherwise, it’s a good idea to opt for 95%.
  • Developer Donation – decide if you would like to support the developer or not through a donation.
  • Mining Threads – what you choose will be determined by the hardware in your Raspberry Pi. For example, if you have four cores, opt for four threads, and so on.
  • Mining Rig Username – you don’t need to name your rig, but it will help when it comes to tracking your progress. Plus, who wouldn’t want to name their rig?

Once these configurations are done, the miner will start working. It’s so much easier than you thought, right?

Final Thoughts 

That’s all there is to it. In just a few simple steps, you can start crypto mining with your Raspberry Pi and make a little money on the side – nice, right? 

As long as you have the right materials and tech, you can get this done in just a couple of minutes, and anyone can do it. Good luck!

NetworkChuck has put together an awesome video to follow about mining cryptocurrency on a Raspberry Pi.  Check it out below.

READ NEXT: How To Set Up A Raspberry Pi AirPlay Receiver

Erik D

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